Punching bags are available in a variety of sizes, materials and colors. So how to choose a punching bag? First of all, we need to consider what is the purpose of training, and secondly, we need to consider safety issues.
1. The choice of height
Inflatable sandbags and 2-inch sandbags are suitable for children. The 2 and 3-inch punching bags are suitable for training sessions in amateur gyms, and the 3-foot punching bag is suitable for beginner female boxers. Multipurpose 4′ sandbags are suitable for both men and women, with 5′ sandbags being the most common size. The larger 6-foot bag provides extra resistance, plus the longer length means you have bigger targets to attack.
2. The choice of weight
A lighter bag that weighs between 25 and 40 pounds helps improve your precision and speed. A 40-pound sandbag is good for light hitters. Or you can choose a heavy bag that weighs about half your body weight for endurance training.
Heavier sandbags sway less than lighter sandbags. Ideally, the sandbag will jiggle slightly when it is hit, but if it wiggles too much, it can prevent you from practicing landing kicks and punches. Men who want to hit harder may need a 60- or 70-pound bag. The 100-pound punching bag is designed for heavyweight boxers.
2. The choice of weight
A lighter bag that weighs between 25 and 40 pounds helps improve your precision and speed. A 40-pound sandbag is good for light hitters. Or you can choose a heavy bag that weighs about half your body weight for endurance training.
Heavier sandbags sway less than lighter sandbags. Ideally, the sandbag will jiggle slightly when it is hit, but if it wiggles too much, it can prevent you from practicing landing kicks and punches. Men who want to hit harder may need a 60- or 70-pound bag. The 100-pound punching bag is designed for heavyweight boxers.